We take our waxing seriously at Naked Yeti. Our first slogan was “A good clean wax, as comfortable as it gets.” and we still follow that guideline. We choose our wax carefully, combining high-quality hard and soft waxes. We prepare the skin expertly to ensure that it remains healthy, intact and has as little discomfort as possible. We attend advanced education events and are always up on the latest product techniques and advancements. Waxing was our foundation for years and we pride ourselves in holding it to a high standard.


  • allow hair to grow for 10 days

  • gently exfoliate the day before your appointment

  • let your esthetician know if you have ever had an adverse reaction from waxing

  • book appointments every 4-6 weeks

  • keep skin hydrated

  • keep consistent

  • let your wax tech know if you are having trouble with ingrown hairs

Waxing is where our roots are…


  • do not shave between wax’s

  • no sun or tanning beds for 24 hours after waxing

  • do not come to your appointment with a sunburn

  • do not watch bad wax videos on YouTube before your first visit

  • don’t feel you need to cancel if you get your period

  • avoid getting sweaty for 24 hours if you are prone to post-wax breakouts